KOJITSUSANSO is an outdoor gear retail store that all over in Japan. We have best selection in trekking, and hiking accessories.
All our stores offer Tax-free shopping. We look forward to your visit, and hope you enjoy outdoor activities in Japan!
[Eligible Applicants]
▶︎Non-residents who have entered Japan within 6 months.
▶︎Total purchase amount must be over ¥5,000 (without tax).
▶︎Consumable items such as food, gas and cosmetics are not covered.
▶︎Tax free purchases are not refundable.
※Make sure bring your passport that has latest immigration stamps on it.
《Locations & Hours》
Kojitsusanso Kawasaki Store
Kawasaki DICE 3F, Ekimae Honcho, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa
Tel: (044)272-7717
Open: 10:00~21:00
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